American Conservatism

This website was created in order to instill people with the basic understanding of the ideal of American Conservatism.  The ideals of political conservatism have been around for thousands of years, but it has only been in the past 50 years that it has truly emerged in the United States.  Over the years there have been many influential conservatives, beginning with Senator Barry Goldwater in the 1960s, and continuing with Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and many of the other members pictured below.  Included on this website are many useful links which will allow the user to explore and learn about the emergence of conservatism.  Included on this website is a links page, which lead to many conservative based websites, there are also several videos explaining the meaning of conservatism, and there is a link to further reading, where the audience can find books written by conservatives.  Also included in this website is a frequently asked questions page which works to cover many assumptions people may have.  It is my hope that this website allows users to gain a strong and thorough understanding of the ideal of American conservatism.

Influential Conservatives

Top, Left to Right: Mitt Romney, George W. Bush, Ann Coulter
Bottom, Left to Right: Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Ronald Reagan
Site created by: Matt Frost
                             [email protected]